Do you want to maximise your academic success?
Do you want to help a young person in your life to achieve their academic potential?
Are you an educational professional interested in helping your students approach learning with new confidence and enthusiasm, retain course material more effortlessly and effectively, improve exam performance and stay calm under pressure?
Are you a certified therapist and would like to add this string to your bow?

Then get in touch with Susan, a fully qualified and experienced Science teacher, tutor and clinical hypnotherapist, with a Masters degree in Biochemistry, specialising in Neuroscience, from Oxford University. Susan developed the Whole-Brain HypnoLearning approach over the last 20 years with a combination of real classroom experience, plus evidence-based research at its heart.
Susan is fully insured and holds a current enhanced DBS certificate.
Click on the image below 👇 to watch an introductory video on the Whole-Brain Hypnolearning Masterclass which Susan developed to train certified practitioners who are interested in supporting learners of all ages to reach their potential, and which forms the basis of the Whole-Brain approach.
What exactly IS the Whole-Brain Hypnolearning approach?
The Whole-Brain Hypnolearning approach utilises the natural learning ability of the brain, incorporating imagination, creativity, motivation and positivity and which can be tailored to fit your needs, the needs of a young person in your life or educational setting.
Why is learning sometimes difficult?
The brain has an amazing ability to learn, retain useful and important information and to send that information to the forefront of the mind when it’s required. Why then, do so many students (of all ages!) find learning “difficult”? The answer is simply that, in these cases, the student is trying to learn in a totally unnatural way, for example by trying to “cram” seemingly unrelated bits of information into the short-term memory, in the hope it will somehow filter through into the long-term memory and be easily retrievable later on, often during a moment of intense stress – the exam setting.
Natural Learning?
Did you ever somehow “absorb” the lyrics to a song which was playing on the radio whilst you were focusing on some other task? When I was studying as a teenager I could join in with the words of every pop song on the radio, but try as I might, I couldn’t recall the rock cycle no matter how many times I tried to “force” it into my brain! So what’s going on here?
The Alpha State
When we are absorbed or intently focused on something the brain can drop into the “alpha” state. This is a natural state which we all flow in and out of throughout the day, and which we go through as we head towards sleep.
In the alpha state the brain waves slooow down a little and we can absorb information directly into the subconscious. In a way, while the conscious mind in “occupied” with something e.g. staring at a picture of the rock cycle, background information – such as pop songs – will be absorbed effortlessly into the mind. Amazing…yes, but also very frustrating when you realise you have “Dance Monkey” playing perfectly over and over in your head, but STILL can’t remember the difference between metamorphic and sedimentary rocks!
The alpha state is also accessed whilst daydreaming, whilst absorbed in a great book or tv show and is also known as the light “trance” state, a very helpful state to be in if you would like to absorb information effortlessly or make positive changes in your life, without the critical conscious mind “getting in the way”.
Key Factors of a CLEAR MIND!
How can we utilise this natural “alpha state” to help us study?
Well, think about how learning occurs naturally, e.g. how animals learn or how babies and toddlers learn.
If you watch carefully you will realise that natural learning usually involves becoming fully absorbed in the game or imaginative play, with the brain in a calm and relaxed state – that’s the alpha state!
Motivation is a key factor as well – an animal is highly motivated to learn how to hunt and catch prey – or to be on the lookout! What is the motivation behind learning a set of facts? If the motivation is not high enough the brain will not “see the point” of committing it to the long term memory! Motivation can be viewed as positive or negative. For example, a negative motivation might be fear-based e.g. fuelled by exam anxiety or unhelpful beliefs that we just “can’t do it”. Positive motivations are goal-focused, e.g. achieving exam success, feeling confident, looking to the future, I CAN do it! Positive motivation is the best way to approach studying for obvious reasons!
Relevance is also important. If a set of facts seem abstract and unrelated then again, the brain will see little “point” in storing it and will also have trouble locating it all for you in a time of need! However, when information is connected together, or to something relevant in your life, then the information will flow much more effortlessly both into – and out of – the long-term memory, a bit like tying knots onto a rope and then pulling them up, one after the other. Consider how rhymes can quickly be learned and remembered!
Learning styles also play a big role. For visual learners, creative and imaginative “cartoons” can be used to link seemingly diverse concepts, whilst audio or kinaesthetic learners can utilise music and movement, to learn in a natural and effortless way.
Of course, repetition is always important, but if the style of learning suits the learner, then repetition can be effortless – no writing out paragraph after paragraph (unless that’s fun for you!).
So there you have the “CLEAR MIND” basis of the Whole-Brain Hypnolearning approach:
- Creativity
- Learning styles
- Effortless Repetition
- Alpha State
- Relevance
- Motivation
- Imagination
- Natural
- Do It!
Learn about the services we provide here.
1-1 / Small Group Student Sessions
Susan offers either one-off sessions, focusing on one particular area of concern e.g. exam anxiety / fact retention / improved motivation to study etc. or a block of 5 sessions tailored to the student(s) needs and supporting the student with a particular goal in mind e.g. GCSE / A-Level preparation.
Whole / Half-Day Group Workshops
Rather than a block over a longer period of time, why not join in for either a whole day (9.30am – 4.30pm), or half day (9.30am – 1pm) or (1pm-4.30pm) workshop covering aspects of the Hypnolearning approach which will be tailored specifically to the group. Please note that the full day workshops DO include a hot lunch.
School Revision Workshops
Susan will provide revision workshops within your educational setting, both for staff and students.
After-School Club
At the After-School Club, students utilise the “technique of the day” to work on a piece of home- or coursework, thus both practising the new technique and getting to grips with an actual piece of work.
HypnoLearning Masterclass for Certified Practitioners.
Buy the recorded version of this 1-day masterclass here or get in touch to arrange an online or in-person training for your Hypnotherapy School or group of practitioners.
Masterclass Synopsis
“I’m just not very academic” – how many people do YOU know who hold this self-limiting belief?
The very word “academic” can trigger painful associations to an often confused and distressing period in life in which a negative self-image is unwittingly laid down. In this present climate of accessible education for all, too many people are struggling to achieve their potential in life either through a lack of self-belief or a lack of practical study skills.
For those who must undergo further training to change career due to such circumstances as redundancy, anxiety may play a significant role in sabotaging their efforts as once the “fight or flight” reaction is triggered, learning becomes impossible.
As practitioners, we know that hypnotherapy can directly combat this reaction.
Through this Masterclass you will discover how much more can be offered to maximise academic success, at any level, through a unique Whole-Brain HypnoLearning protocol which will enable you and subsequently your patients to:
- Eradicate self-limiting beliefs
- Install a new mind-set which is open to achievement
- Use Alert Hypnosis techniques to improve concentration
- Discover and utilise preferred learning styles (visual, aural or kinaesthetic)
- Uncover and enhance the 7 Multiple Intelligences
- See the whole picture then break it into chunks
- Work with Dyslexia
- Recall with ease using mind-mapping and memory techniques
- Boost examination performance
Whole-Brain Hypno-Learning involves accessing both the logical / analytical side of the brain as well as the creative / imaginative side, to make the process of learning seem not only effortless, but also fun!